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Covid-19 Update- 4/9/2020

COVID-19 Health Measures, Refund Policy, and Summer 2020

We have been closely monitoring the Covid-19 health crisis effecting our world. The health and wellness of our participants, campers and staff remains our top priority, and we are incredibly intentional about your child's safety.

Currently we are planning to run our summer program as scheduled.

We have been planning sanitization, social distancing and health screening measures that will adjust to fit the needs of our community as the Covid-19 situation continues to evolve. We have been in contact with First District Health Unit, YMCA of the USA, American Camping Association and others to ensure best practices are being followed.

If we have to make the difficult decision to cancel part or all of our summer programs, we will contact every camp family, specialty camp and group to allow them to determine how they would like their camp fees to be handled. Below is a sneak peek of our refund options:

We hope this provides some feelings of security to camp families as they are debating whether to register their camper during this time. If we are given the all-clear to open, we look forward to giving campers an opportunity to be kids away from the anxiety and stress of a Covid-19 filled spring. Summer 2020 may not look the same as we had planned, but we are hopeful for a fun and adventure-filled summer.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see in-the-moment updates and some of our fun social media engagement. You can also reach our camp director at: if you have any questions. Please contact us if there is anything we can do for you during this time.

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